Ever misplaced your cell phone charger and your battery is screaming to be charged up? Wanna hang your wonderful new flat-screen television over there on the big wall, but that's not where the outlet is? Have a dark closet or pantry where you can never, ever find what you're looking for? Have you ever taken your laptop outside to enjoy the weather and are working away, only to have the bettery die on you? You buy this great toy for your two-year-old and in no time the battery dies, they're upset and crying, and you have to drop everything and make a run to the store because you're out of replacements? Have you built or remodeled and when you meet with the contractor you start adding more electrical outlets everywhere because, well, you can never have enough outlets?
All of that may be a thing of the past. The US firm
Witricity may have solved the issue of transporting electrical power . . . without using literally miles and miles of wires.
They have come up with a way to turn electricity into safe, low-frequency electromagnetic waves that can be transmitted or broadcast the same as radio or television, which we've been using safely for almost a century.
From their web site . . .
Here's a video from the
BBC that explains more.
Pretty cool, huh? Think this may change the way we live, work and play?
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