They collect data from 65 sites around the planet which is then "interpreted", resulting in the dot. The colors have meaning.
| Blue signifies small network variance, suggestive of deeply shared, internally motivated group focus. The index is above 95%. |
| Aqua signifies small network variance, probably chance fluctuation. The index is between 90% and 95%. |
| Green signifies normally random network variance. This is average or expected behavior. The index is between 40% and 90%. |
| Yellow signifies slightly increased network variance. Probably chance fluctuation. The index is between 10% and 40%. |
| Rust signifies strongly increased network variance. May be chance fluctuation, with the index between 5% and 10%. |
| Red means significantly large network variance. Suggests broadly shared coherence of thought and emotion. The index is less than 5%. |
So, for example, just before the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami . . . the data was interpreted as a blood-red dot. They even "picked up" on the global outpouring of emotion during the funeral of Princess Diana.
Read more at the Global Consciousness Project web site.
Hullo Keith,
ReplyDeleteThank you for inviting me to your new blog home! I'm privileged! I se you have the Global Consciousness Project as your first post - something that I saw on another of your blogs, the Gaia site - your winter blog home?! - and well worth a deep look it is.
Just a word regarding my visits here - my service provider MTNL, provides peripatetic service, sometimes blocking sites like bbc and linkedin altogether. As a result, this is the first time in months that I've been able to get into blogspot. I did plan on a blog here but found it impossible to get in, so I started my blogs on Wordpress - and now, they've blocked Wordpress! But I will be here as often as MTNL allows me in! I look forward many interesting discussions and hope to contribute meaningfully.
Oh my! Praveer! How distressing! We rant here about lack of freedom, but then we don't have to tolerate what you described. So very sorry. If you do begin a blog here, please send an invite.